Effects of Digital Technology in Human Life

 Effects of Digital Technology in Human Life

The 21st century has been called the era of Science and Technology. Various new technologies have been developed and advancement over the last few decades. Digital technology has advanced more rapidly than any other innovations in our history. Nowadays people are using technology regularly without rest. One cannot even imagine of living without a phone or their laptops. In various sectors like food, education, health, entertainments, etc. digitization has been done upto its maximum possibility. But we know that every technology has some positive and negative aspect side by side. Here, we discuss some of the impacts of digital technology on human life.

Positive aspects of digital technology

Digital technology and computing world have made their way into more areas of life, from communication to finance to social interaction. We can see its uses in home, schools, offices, hospitals, etc. Some of the positive aspects of digital technology in our daily life are discussed below.

Education is one of the most valuable aspects that the internet has brought to us in a new and improved way. Students of all ages and abilities do not necessarily need to depend on physical classrooms to gain education. They can learn digitally through Google, YouTube, Online Classes and so on.

Social Network
Social media like Facebook, Instagram. Whatsapp, Viber, etc. have made easier to connect other people and expand our social circle. Social media also enables people chat or call with one another. They can share their photos, videos and watch their lives unfold in real time which remain saved as a memory in one's life. It has enabled us to share more parts of their lives than ever before.
Banking sector and beyond the Bank
Banking sector has become easy with the development of digital technology.people have access to perform almost all the activities of the bank by online mode. Money transaction, online payment, balance inquiry, any sort of query can be easily done by the applications developed by different banks. Furthermore, no one has to wait in the long line of banks for paying their utility bills.


e-Sewa , Khalti, Phonepay, etc. are the technologies beyond the banking sectors which have facilitated us with its different features. Such apps allow us to perform online payment in any fields, such as online booking of means of transportation, entertainment and so on.


Business is also one of the most important services provided by the internet. Using different apps, online customers can purchase almost everything thulomarket at any time from the comfort of their own home. Digital technology has also enhanced the expansion of their business to different parts of their own ountry and abroad. Advertisement of their roducts on the internet can easily reach to millions
People within a minute. For example, Daraz, Foodmandu, Pathao, etc. run their online siness and are benefitted with.

Internet access to health information provides quality of care, 24 hour access to medical or health information and allows more efficient handling of special health issues. Inventions of different equipment use digital technology for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. People use information shared on internet to prevent themselves from different diseases and to communicate with medical practitioners.

Digital technology in other sectors
Mobiles, tablets and laptops are also used in several other sectors. Playing gam watching videos, conducting online meeting, access to calendar, online and of dictionary, etc. are also the aspects that people are benefitted with.

Thus, digital technology has made most of the aspects of our life convenient accessible by connecting us globally through networking.

Negative aspects of digital technology
It is obvious that digital technology have become an integral part of our daily life. Not only merits but also several demerits are associated with digital technology. Technology addiction,time loss, cybercrime, isolation, poor academic performance, health issue, etc. are several side demerits of digital technology. Few negative aspects of digital technology are discussed below.

Psychological effects
Overuse or dependency on technology may have adverse psychological effects. It includes isolation form family and friends, depression and anxiety which make a mentally ill.

Physical health effects

Regular and continuous use of digital technology may increase the risk of eyestrain, poor posture, sleep problem, obesity, reduced physical activities, etc.

Learning Barriers

Students and people have slowly stopped to remember information because they know y can find it online within seconds. It is also found that students are more likely to remember where to get the information rather than remembering the information itself.

Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is the use of the internet, cell phones, video game system or other technology to send or post messages to hurt or humiliate or threat someone else.

Terrorism and crime
There are many people on the internet who use the dark web to do illegal work. The identity of a person can be made hidden and it becomes difficult to track the person or organization on the dark web. So by using dark web some people do buying and selling of illegal drugs, weapons, duplicate electronic accessories, blackmail, creating and promoting the robbery groups, doing the criminal works, etc. It is the misuse of the digital technology.

The concern for privacy and manipulation of digital data

The activities like stealing, editing and posting photos, videos and digital data of third person have increased the risk of privacy and manipulation of digital data.

Many of these negative impacts of technology can be avoided with the increase of awareness program on cyber education. This education not only provides a greater awareness of one's own actions, but also helps the users to recognize the action of others.

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